SWLA Elevation Station was designed to be
your Elevation Certificate headquarters. Here
you will find answers to all of your questions
about Elevation Certificates. Serving SWLA
for over 20 years, we are here to cut through
red tape for you!
Are you:
If you answered yes,
then we can help!
Community Name | Community ID | Flood Plain Administrator | FPA Phone Number | FPA E-Mail Address | Permit Office Phone Number | Permit Office Link |
Allen Parish | 220009 | Joel Johnson | 337-639-4328 | jjohnson@appj.us | 337-639-4057 | |
Beauregard Parish | 220026 | Bryan McReynolds | 337-462-0675 | bryanm@beauparish.org | 337-463-7019 | |
Calcasieu Parish | 220037 | Dana Watkins | 337-721-3600 | dwatkins@calcasieuparish.gov | 337-721-3600 | |
Cameron Parish | 225194 | Myles Hebert | 337-775-2800 | mhebert@cameronpj.org | 337-775-2800 | |
Iowa | 220039 | Cynthia Mallett | 337-582-3535 | townclerk@iowala.org | 337-582-3535 | |
Jeff Davis Parish | 220095 | Darla Beardmore | 337-824-4792 | darla@jdppj.net | 337-824-6290 | |
Lake Charles * | 220040 | Doug Burguieres | 337-491-1394 | dburguieres@cityoflc.us | 337-491-1476 | |
Sulphur * | 220041 | Keith Berry | 337-527-2050 | kberry@sulphur.org | 337-527-2050 | |
Vernon Parish | 220228 | Carl Thompson | 337-239-9933 | carl@vppjla.com | 337-404-4081 | |
Vinton | 220042 | Judy Anderson | 337-529-7453 | cityclerk@cityofvinton.com | 337-589-7453 | |
Westlake | 220043 | Andrea Mahrouruz | 337-433-0691 | cityclerk@cityofwestlake.com | 337-433-0691 |
* These communities have adopted a freeboard requirement.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Elevation Certificate?
An Elevation Certificate is a form issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is used to determine the flood risk of a property.
Why do I need an Elevation Certificate?/Who requires Elevation Certificates?
Insurance companies use Elevation Certificates to determine flood risk in order to quote rates. Local agencies require Elevation Certificates for permitting purposes before and after constructing or moving a structure.
How do I get an Elevation Certificate?
Call us at 337-877-2202!
What is the base flood elevation (BFE)?
The base flood elevation is the expected water level rise during a flood with a 1% chance of occurring in any given year.
What is a freeboard?
The freeboard is an additional safety measure recommended (not required) by FEMA when determining the lowest required elevation of new structures in order to compensate for the unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the expected calculations.
How is the freeboard calculated?
The freeboard is typically a foot higher than BFE or a foot higher than the centerline of the road or nearest manhole, whichever is highest. However, different communities have different freeboard requirements. Always check with your local agency for the most accurate information.
What is the lowest required elevation (LRE)?
The LRE is the minimum elevation allowed for your structure based on your local agency's requirements.
Does an Elevation Certificate expire?
Technically the Elevation Certificate does not expire. However, if the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) have been updated since the Elevation Certificate was issued, the information provided on the certificate is no longer accurate. The agency requesting the Elevation Certificate will have their own policy as to how far back they will accept it.
What is the initial Elevation Certificate for?
During the initial visit, the surveyor will find the highest and lowest grade onsite, determine the lowest elevation required to build, and set a temporary benchmark (TBM) for reference.
What is the final Elevation Certificate for?
During the final visit, the surveyor will confirm the structure is in compliance with local elevation requirements and take photos of the completed structure.